
Request for Qualifications


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Construction Management Services for the New Potable Water Wells at Chuckawalla Valley State Prison

Solicitation / Invitation #

PMB202203 /0000025288

Project Description

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation is requesting Statement of Qualifications for Construction Management Services for the New Potable Water Wells at Chuckawalla Valley State Prison, located in Blythe, CA.

Bid Due Date


Bid Due Time

3:00 pm

Time Zone

(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Prebid Meeting

No / Not Mandatory

Prebid Instructions

QUESTIONS AND ADDENDUM Questions regarding this RFQ must be emailed directly to Marcia Parker, at no later than 3:00 p.m. on December 13, 2022. CDCR will not respond to any questions or inquiries other than those submitted electronically prior to the deadline. Responses to questions will be posted online at via addendum at:

License Requirement(s)


License Cassifications

Requires Bonding
Requires Insurance

Response Format

2. Delivery Requirements All SOQs must be separately packaged in one (1) envelope or other container. The envelope/container and covers of the SOQs must be clearly marked with the following: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION FACILITY PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT DIVISION PROJECT MANAGEMENT BRANCH REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR “CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES” FOR NEW POTABLE WATER WELLS AT CHUCKAWALLA VALLEY STATE PRISON RFQ NO. PMB202203 One (1) original, four (4) copies, and one (1) PDF file copy (in color on a CD) of the SOQ must be received in the Project Management Branch by 3:00 p.m. on January 13, 2023 by mail, courier, or hand delivered to: California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facility Planning, Construction and Management Project Management Branch 9838 Old Placerville Road, Suite B Sacramento, CA 95827 Attn:Support Staff SOQs received after the stated time will not be considered and will be returned to sender. It is the responsibility of the respondent to ensure that the response is received at the Project Management Branch office by the specified deadline. All SOQs will be date and time stamped upon receipt. CDCR will not be responsible for late or incomplete responses due to mistakes or delays of the respondent or carrier used by the respondent or weather delays. B. COSTS AND OWNERSHIP OF SUBMITTAL SOQ submittal preparation costs and participation in the selection process by interested Consultants are at no cost, or obligation, to the State. Award of these contracts are subject to budgetary authorization(s). Prior to award of contracts, all submitted SOQs and materials will be designated confidential to the extent permitted by the California Public Records Act. CDCR reserves the right to, at any time, abandon or terminate efforts to contract for any, or all, of said services without obligation to any firm which responds to this announcement. SOQs and other materials submitted, and accepted, will become property of the CDCR and will not be returned. C. CONTENT OF STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS NARRATIVE The Consultant’s submittal Narrative must address the areas listed below in the order given. The responses provided will be the basis for evaluation of your overall approach; internal management, project organization and personnel; experience in similar types and scope of work; and the ability to integrate Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) and Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation into your plan for accomplishing the work described in this RFQ. To be successful, candidates must be able to demonstrate their ability and previous experience in meeting aggressive schedules, staying within established cost limitations, and providing a quality project of a similar nature to that described in this RFQ. The successful team will also have exhibited a high degree of expertise and in the technical aspects of document production, coordination, and quality control. The following information shown below must be included within your SOQ NARRATIVE: 1. Describe Consultant’s approach to providing CM services. Specifically describe your approach for providing management of: a. RFIs; b. Submittals; c. Schedule Management; d. Risk Management; e. Change Orders; f. Close Out Procedures; g. Dispute Resolution. 2. Describe the internal management systems and methods to be employed in the performance of each facet of the contract to ensure the quality control of CM work product such as document control, track responses, compliance with due dates, and software compatibility with software tools of other members of the project team. 3. Describe the organization, resources, roles, and responsibilities of your team as it applies to providing CM services, and provide an organization chart. a. Identify all subconsultants to be used on the project assignments including their proposed position(s), duties, and responsibilities. b. Identify Consultant’s participation of DVBE and SB to meet Department’s minimum participation goals. State percentage goals to be achieved and provide firm names and their certifying agency and identification number. c. Include the location of the applicable office(s) for project coordination and services. d. The person of the firm in responsible charge of the services being provided must be a licensed Architect, Engineer, or licensed Contractor in the State of California. Identify this person by name, qualifications, and copy of license or registration. Agreement terms will not permit substitution of lead personnel without prior approval of the CDCR representative. 4. Resumes – Personnel Qualifications The firm must submit detailed resumes for each staff member proposed to provide CM services and identify their position, duties, experience, and qualifications. Where subconsultants are identified as part of the proposed staff, provide same. For each project identified on a proposed staff member’s resume, indicate the approximate number of man hours that individual charged to that project. The CDCR has developed standardized CM Duty Statements (Attachments G-1 through G-6) provided for reference; however, these do not limit the CM firm from providing an individual who is qualified and capable of performing the duties associated with more than one position. As an example; a CM may be capable to provide both scheduling and estimating services. Minimum qualifications for the following professional positions are: Construction Manager: A licensed Engineer, Architect or Contractor with a minimum of five (5) years of construction management experience in managing construction projects with construction cost of $5 million or greater, including a minimum of two (2) public works construction projects. Document Control: Document Control must have previous construction project experience with proficiency in sorting and coding all original construction documents, including copying, typing, distributing documents, and maintaining complete and accurate project files. The Document Control must have the skills to utilize the CDCR FRAME SharePoint based online document control system. Scheduler: Construction Scheduler with a minimum of five (5) years of experience and trained in developing and analyzing complex construction schedules utilizing Primavera Project Planner – P6, and Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling. The Scheduler must be able to analyze a schedule to determine appropriate logic, activities, activity durations, coding, and proper updating of the schedule, and determine impacts of proposed change orders. The Scheduler must also be able to analyze delays using schedule fragments, and classify delays as excusable, non excusable, compensable or non compensable; and be able to organize and present schedule data to support the analysis. Cost Estimator: Construction Cost Estimator with a minimum of five (5) years of experience, and proficient in estimating, and pricing construction projects: bids, change orders, extended project costs, and costs associated with construction claims. The Estimator must have provided estimating services on a minimum of two (2) public works projects in the past five (5) years. Estimates may involve utility and site work, concrete, structural steel, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and other trades in prison construction. Note: The Principal of the firm must verify and certify the resumes, including the academic record, experience, professional licenses, and experience of professional personnel identified above. The CM firm must disclose any policy or rule of the firm that prohibits or restricts the firm or its employees from performing its contractual duties in the presence of asbestos or any toxic substance. The firm must address its ability to resolve issues arising from the incidence of asbestos or toxic substances occurring in the work area. The CM firm will bear sole responsibility for safeguarding their personnel during any site review or inspection activity which may potentially expose them to asbestos or any toxic substances encountered while performing their contractual duties. D. PROJECTS: CURRENT AND PAST EXPERIENCE (ATTACHMENT D) Provide a list of projects, similar in size, scope, budget, and complexity, to the projects being considered for CM assignments completed within the last five (5) years, on which the Consultants’ proposed staff have provided services. Footnote their roles and responsibilities on each project. Attachment D will not be counted in the 35 page limit. Projects that demonstrate familiarity with California conditions, practices, and legal requirements applicable to competitively bid public contracts are preferable. Place a “C” next to the names of projects listed on Attachment D to indicate California projects. Provide the following information for projects with construction costs between $5 million and $15 million or greater, completed within the last five (5) years: 1. Name of Project (Indicate by asterisk, the projects with multiple contracting and/or phased construction); 2. Initial Construction Budget; 3. Final cost or estimated cost if not bid; 4. Original scheduled completion date; 5. Actual completion date; 6. If project was a joint venture, indicate by yes or no. Indicate the names of the other firm(s) of the joint venture and your responsibility and percent performed; 7. Dollar amount of claims; 8. Dollar resolution of claims; 9. Owner/contact person’s current telephone number; 10. Additional narrative describing projects involving correctional construction experience and experience in phased construction may be provided following the table. Narrative must be submitted in the Attachment D section following the table and will be counted in the 35 page limit. Provide a list of program management firms with whom you have worked or are currently working. Indicate project names, dates, contact persons, and current telephone numbers.

Submission Instructions

SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. FORMAT AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS To be considered for selection for this contract, interested Consultants must submit one (1) original, four (4) copies, and one (1) PDF file copy (in color on a CD) of the “Statement of Qualifications” responsive to all criteria. SOQs must be typed and must not exceed 35 pages of written material including the cover letter. 1. Format Requirements The 35 page limitation includes any written, photographic and graphic material contained in the body of the SOQ and any appendices; with the exception of the schedule graphic, all pages, tables, graphs, and other materials should not be larger than 8 ½ by 11 inches. The minimum font size should be 11 point unless stated otherwise. Each item listed below will not be included in the 35 page limitation unless otherwise noted. TheSOQ must be organized exactly as follows: a. Cover Letter (Will be counted in the 35 page limitation) b. Title Page c. Table of Contents (Index) d. General Information Sheet (Attachment A) e. Statement of Compliance (Attachment B) f. Listing of Legal Judgments (Attachment C) g. Statement of Qualifications Narrative (Will be counted in the 35 page limitation) h. Projects: Current and Past Experience (Attachment D) i. Resumes Blank tab pages may be used as necessary and will not be included in the 35 page limitation (as long as narrative text is not included on them). NOTE: SOQs failing to comply with the page limitations, dimensions, submittal requirements, and order, will be considered nonresponsive to the submittal requirements, resulting in disqualification from the selection process, and will not be evaluated. Complete the General Information Sheet (Attachment A), and place immediately following the Table of Contents (Index). The Statement of Compliance (Attachment B), then the List of Legal Judgments (Attachment C), will immediately follow. SOQs must not include proposed fee(s) or compensation amounts. SOQs not complying will be considered nonresponsive with the submittal requirements, resulting in disqualification from the selection process, and will not be evaluated.
Company, Agency or Buyer
Dept of Corrections and Rehab
Dept of Corrections & Rehab
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Facility Planning, Construction and Management Project Management Branch 9838 Old Placerville Road, Suite B





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