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RFP Cannabis Consumer Awareness Campaign

Solicitation / Invitation #


Project Description

The Department of Cannabis Control is looking for a contractor to develop and execute a statewide Cannabis Consumer Awareness Campaign. A multi-year statewide communications and education campaign will focus on empowering consumers with information that will help them understand the benefits of purchasing from the legal cannabis market and the harms of purchasing from the illegal market, including the dangers to public health and safety. Consumers will greatly benefit from enhanced education associated with the legal cannabis market, including to shift consumer buying habits toward the legal market and away from illicit or informal sources. The Department proposes to utilize a consumer awareness campaign that builds on and improves upon the previously funded California cannabis campaigns related to the licensed and legal cannabis market. The campaign would provide consumers (both California residents and tourists) basic information needed to support purchases of cannabis through the regulated market and to deter use of untested and unsafe product obtained from unlicensed sources. It will also provide consumers with basic information about responsible use and consumption. This information will be provided using multiple mediums and languages to reach California’s diverse population and those that visit California. We expect a marketing and communications strategy to include a plan for leveraging a wide variety of respected and trusted community messengers that exist across the state

Bid Due Date


Bid Due Time

5:00 pm

Time Zone

(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Prebid Meeting

No / Not Mandatory

Prebid Instructions

Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted to Jort Lijklema at Questions are due no later than December 2, 2022, at 5:00 PM. Answers will be provided via an addendum to the solicitation.

License Requirement(s)


License Cassifications


Include RFP / Bid Attachment(s)

Requires Bonding
Requires Insurance

Response Format

3. Proposal Submittal Requirements All proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the outline indicated below. Submitting the proposal in this format assures you that the Evaluation Committee will not overlook important information contained in the proposal. NOTE: Failure to provide the following information or an explanation as to why the information was not submitted could deem your proposal “technically non-compliant” and therefore, not considered for award. A. Nature of firm’s services and activities. Provide a description of the nature of the firm’s services and activities. Note when the business was established, brief history and location. B. Description. Overall description of the techniques, approaches and methods to be used in performing the services. C. Work Plan or Schedule. Each major task should indicate all necessary subtasks and identify specific total hours, commencement dates and completion dates by which progress can be measured and payments made. D. Identification of Project Manager. Identify the Project Manager who will manage the contract work. Document a required minimum of five (5) years education and experience that this person has in the same area of expertise required by this RFP. E. Resumes. Provide resumes for each individual, including the lead personnel and supporting personnel to be employed for this project. Include education, experience and expertise with pertinent information demonstrating qualifications for this RFP. Do not exceed two (2) pages per person. F. Organization Chart. Submit an organization chart showing the hierarchy of key personnel to be working on this project. Chart must show the relationship between project manager and key personnel of the firm and all other parties (subcontractor[s]) to this proposal. G. References. Prime contractor shall provide a minimum of three (3) references. Include name of firm, contact person, address, phone number and description of services performed. Services performed by the prime contractor shall be similar or analogous to the services requested in this RFP. H. Subcontractors. When subcontractors are used, include the following: 1) Identification of those persons or firms. 2) Resumes of each major subcontract participant. 3) The portions and monetary percentages of the work to be done by the subcontractors. 4) How they were selected and why. 5) Description of how subcontracted work will be controlled, monitored, and evaluated. I. Cost Proposal. Shall include a detailed breakdown showing how the costs were determined. See Attachment A (1- 3), Cost Proposal on Pages 24-26 for required format. J. Samples by Prime Proposer. Include samples of similar or analogous types of contracts on work performed that were successfully conclusive and list the contractor’s name, contact information, address, phone number, person to contact, term dates, and services performed. A minimum of three (3) samples of prior projects of a similar nature are required to be submitted. K. The following documents must be submitted for your bid to be considered responsive: 1) Proposal as outlined in Section 4 of this RFP 2) Attachment A (1-3), Cost Proposal, showing detail on how the costs were determined 3) Attachment B, Contractor Certification Clauses (CCC 4/2017) 4) Attachment C, Contractor Status Form 5) Attachment D, Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise Declarations (Std. 843) 6) Attachment E, Bidder Declarations (GSPD-05-105) 7) Attachment F, Commercially Useful Function (CUF) 8) Attachment G, Darfur Contracting Act Certification 9) Attachment H, Recycled Content Certification form (CalRecycle 74) 10) Attachment I, California Civil Rights Laws Attachment 11) Copy of Small Business Certification Letter(s), if applicable 12) Copy of Disabled Veteran Business Certification Letter(s), if applicable 13) If corporation, proof that business is in good standing and qualified to conduct business in California 14) If non-profit, proof of non-profit status 15) Copy of current Business License, California Attorney License, professional certifications or other credentials when applicable according to services to be performed. All required Standard (STD) forms may be obtained at the following Department of General Services website:

Submission Instructions

. Submission of Proposal ***Mail-in or hand delivered proposals only*** A. Proposals should provide straightforward and concise descriptions of the proposer’s ability to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. The proposal must be complete and accurate. Omissions, inaccuracies, or misstatements may be cause for rejection of a proposal. B. All proposals must be submitted under sealed cover and sent to the DCC by the date and time shown in the above Time Schedule. The sealed cover must be plainly marked with the RFP Number 22-002 and Title, must show your firm name and address, and must be marked with “DO NOT OPEN.” Proposals not submitted under sealed cover may be rejected. C. The original and five (5) copies of the proposal must be submitted, including samples. The original proposal must be marked “ORIGINAL COPY.” D. Proposals will not be accepted from Expatriate Corporations, and proposals from primes subcontracting with Expatriate Corporations will not be accepted. E. All documents contained in the original proposal package must have original signatures and must be signed by a person who is authorized to bind the proposing firm. All additional proposal sets may contain photocopies of the original package. F. If the proposal is made under a fictitious name or business title, the actual legal name of the proposer must be provided. G. All proposals shall include the documents identified on the attached checklist entitled; “Required Documents” (see page 23 entitled “Required Documents”). Proposals not including the required documents shall be deemed nonresponsive. H. DCC may choose to interview the top two (2) or three (3) highest ranking respondents. Additional respondents may be interviewed depending on the total number of responses received. DCC may, at its discretion, choose not to conduct interviews. Interviews, if held may be via telephone or teleconference using Microsoft Teams, etc. The purpose of the interview, if held, is to confirm or assess: • The respondent’s understanding of State’s needs and the project importance. • The respondent’s commitment to provide timely and effective services. • The capabilities and strengths of the respondent’s management team. • The soundness and strengths of the respondent’s approach to accomplish the objectives and manage the project to ensure successful completion of all the SOW requirements. If DCC chooses to conduct interviews, the length of each interview should not exceed one (1) hour. DCC anticipates that interviews will be held online during the week of 01/23/2023. In addition to the Respondent’s official authorized representative(s), the primary, and/or key project personnel are required to attend the interview. As applicable, DCC will communicate the specific interview requirement information to the affected Respondents vial mail, email, or telephone. I. Mail or hand deliver proposals to the following address: (No email submissions) California Department of Cannabis Control Acquisitions Office Attention: Jort Lijklema 2920 Kilgore Road Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Company, Agency or Buyer
State of California
Department of Cannabis Control
(279) 217-3733
2920 Kilgore Road


Rancho Cordova



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