
Government Agency Seeking Contractor


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Solicitation / Invitation #


Project Description

PLACE OF WORK: Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) in Twentynine Palms, California. The work to be acquired under this solicitation is for the Design-Build Construction Contract to install 10 MW of battery energy storage systems (BESSs) that will enhance energy security at various locations at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) in Twentynine Palms, California. The BESSs shall be capable of powering numerous mission critical and support facilities at the distribution level during a utility grid outage. There are approximately 54 BESSs (each of which will include high energy density batteries, bidirectional inverters, and the associated controls) that will be standalone modular packaged units connected to one or more solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays. The BESSs will be connected to the solar PV systems for clean energy charging as well as to the Project P-1238 Construction of Grid Stability & Resiliency 10 MW Battery Energy Storage, Various Buildings at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California Apr 15, 2022 12:03:02 AM GMT 1 installation’s electric distribution system for utility power or on-site cogeneration system charging. The BESSs will be tied into the installation’s microgrid (being built via project P-1232) so the battery energy can be discharged to level solar PV variability and stabilize the grid (electrical distribution system reliability), provide power to support black-start and islanding events (energy resilience), and reduce energy costs during peak demand/energy pricing periods (energy management/efficiency). Also, the BESS controls will be accredited to ensure the energy systems remain cyber secure. The goal for this project is to integrate BESSs into an electrical distribution microgrid on MCAGCC. The project installs and fully permits new BESSs capable of parallel operation, each located in proximity to existing PV systems. ***See page 11 of 109 on solicitation for experience requirements***

Bid Due Date


Bid Due Time

2:00 pm

Time Zone

(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Prebid Meeting

No / Not Mandatory

Prebid Instructions

1. Inquiries All inquiries concerning any part of this solicitation shall be submitted electronically as a Request for Information (RFI). The Point of Contract (POC) for inquiries is Vincent Nazzal at email The Government does not intend to respond to inquiries submitted less than 10 days before the proposal receipt date. 3. Pre-Proposal Conference (a) A pre-proposal conference and site visit will not be conducted at this time. 1. Failure of a prospective Offeror to submit any questions will be construed to mean that the Offeror fully understands all requirements of the solicitation. 2. All prospective Offerors are advised that this solicitation will remain unchanged unless it is amended in writing. Amendments will be posted on the website at under Contract Opportunities. However, if an amendment is issued, normal procedures relating to the acknowledgment and receipt of any such amendment as described in Contract Clause “Amendment to Solicitations” of this section shall be applicable.

License Requirement(s)


License Cassifications

Requires Bonding
Requires Insurance

Response Format

1. Inquiries All inquiries concerning any part of this solicitation shall be submitted electronically as a Request for Information (RFI). The Point of Contract (POC) for inquiries is Vincent Nazzal at email The Government does not intend to respond to inquiries submitted less than 10 days before the proposal receipt date. 2. Proposal Submittal Requirements In addition to the submittal requirements under each Factor, proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall be formatted as follows and furnished in the number of copies stated herein. A cover letter shall accompany the proposal. The cover letter shall include— (a) The solicitation number; (b) The name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and email address of the Offeror; (c) The UEI Number, CAGE Code, and Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the Offeror; (d) A statement specifying the extent of agreement with all terms, conditions, and provisions included in the solicitation and agreement to furnish any or all items upon which prices are offered at the price set opposite each item; (e) Names, titles, phone and facsimile numbers, and email addresses of persons authorized to negotiate on the Offeror’s behalf with the Government in connection with this solicitation and; (f) Name, title, and signature of person authorized to sign the proposal. Proposals signed by an agent shall be accompanied by evidence of that agent’s authority, unless that evidence has been previously furnished to the issuing office. Page limits, if stipulated, must be adhered to The format for the proposal is as follows: Phase One (Qualification Phase): Cover Letter First two pages of SF 1442 – with blocks 14 through 20c completed Section 004500 – Representations and Certifications VETS-4212 Report Submission Confirmation (or Statement of Non-applicability) Tab 1 – Factor 1 – Technical Approach Tab 2 – Factor 2 – Experience Tab 3 – Factor 3 – Past Performance Tab 4 – Factor 4 – Safety THE FOLLOWING EVALUATION FACTORS ARE APPLICABLE ONLY TO THOSE OFFERORS WHO ARE SELECTED TO PROCEED TO PHASE TWO OF THE SOURCE SELECTION PROCESS. DO NOT SUBMIT TABS 5 THROUGH 7 IN THE PHASE 1 (QUALIFICATION PHASE) PROPOSALS. Phase Two: Financial Questionnaire (to be completed and submitted by financial institution) Tab 5 – Factor 5, Technical Solution (see section 002000 for details) Tab 6 – Factor 6, Small Business Participation (see section 002000 for details) Tab 7 – Factor 7, Price (see section 002000 for details)

Submission Instructions

INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS ARE PROVIDED BELOW: Proposals shall be submitted electronically using the Department of Defense (DoD) Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE) service at, via the “Drop-off” feature. DoD SAFE is the only electronic commerce method authorized for the submission of Phase One proposals in response to this solicitation. Submissions outside of DoD SAFE will not be considered. Offerors are instructed to electronically submit their complete proposal in one (1) file, formatted in Portable Document Format (PDF) with a .pdf file extension as follows: File #1: Factor 1, Technical Approach Factor 2, Experience Factor 3, Past Performance Factor 4, Safety Instructions for submission of Phase One proposals using the DoD SAFE “Drop-off” feature are provided below: 1. There are no user accounts for DoD SAFE. In order to submit a proposal in response to this solicitation, Offerors shall submit their point of contact (POC) name and email address via email to both the Contract Specialist and Contracting Officer identified below to obtain a “Request Code” for DoD SAFE “Drop-off” of the Phase One proposal. Contract Specialist: Vincent Nazzal Email: Contracting Officer: Eley DeCuba Email: Note: The Government does not intend to respond to emails for drop-off request codes submitted less than 10 calendar days before the proposal due date of 12 October 2022 shown in the solicitation. 2. No later than 4 calendar days prior to the proposal due date, the Contract Specialist or Contracting Officer will send a “Request Code” to the Offeror’s specified POC via the email address provided. Only the Offeror’s identified POC will be able to drop off the proposal or proposal revisions in DoD SAFE. Failure to provide accurate POC information will preclude the Offeror from using DoD SAFE. 3. To submit the proposal, the Offeror will go to the DoD SAFE website at, accept the user agreement, click “Drop-off,” and enter the 12-digit “Request Code” that was provided by the Contract Specialist or Contracting Officer. The system will allow for inclusion of a short note to the Government recipient. The Offeror will then click to add their proposal file, or drag and drop the file. Click “Drop-off Files” to send the file to the Government recipient. Confirm that the file does not contain classified information and click “OK.” Once the file is uploaded, an email will be sent to the Government recipient notifying them of the “drop-off.” [Additional details can be viewed in the DoD SAFE User Guide available at]. The DoD SAFE system will record the date and time of proposal submission. The date and time of proposal submission recorded in DoD SAFE shall govern the timeliness of any proposal submission ***LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. *** It is an Offeror’s responsibility, when transmitting its proposal electronically, to ensure the proposal’s timely delivery by transmitting the proposal sufficiently in advance of the time set for receipt of proposals to allow for timely receipt by the Government no later than the date and time stated in Block 13 of the SF1442. Offerors shall allow adequate time to upload files, which may be slower for non-DoD users, and to avoid other technical difficulties that may be encountered. An Offeror risks the late receipt and rejection of a proposal where it delays transmitting its proposal until the last few minutes before the time set for receipt of proposals. Proposals that are received after the stated date and time in Block 13 of the SF1442 will not be considered. Offerors are responsible for submitting their proposal in the format specified, consistent with requirements stated elsewhere in this solicitation. Offerors are asked to submit only the information/exhibits required. Page limits, if stipulated, must be adhered to. Files that cannot be opened, or are otherwise missing the required content are the responsibility of the Offeror. No Assumptions: This is a firm fixed price contract, and any assumptions made by the offeror in its proposal will not be binding on the Government. The offeror will not be entitled to any equitable adjustments based on assumptions made by the offeror in its proposal. If the Scope of Work is not clear, submit your request for clarification as a RFI.
Company, Agency or Buyer
Department of the Navy, NAVFAC PACIFIC CMD
Department of Defense
1220 Pacific Highway


San Diego



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