
Government Agency Seeking Contractor


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Organizational Design and Strategic Planning

Solicitation / Invitation #


Project Description

HCD’s policy goals are to increase and preserve housing supply attainable across all income levels, improve access to opportunity, execute on the state’s climate change goals, and lead efforts to end, rather than manage, homelessness. HCD’s various administration groups support multiple program functions to ensure the timely and efficient delivery of housing and homelessness services to all Californians. HCD supports the state goal of access to critical funding resources that can help address some of California’s most pressing needs, especially those related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the statewide affordable housing crises, impacting some of California’s most vulnerable populations. While the Governor and Legislature continue to prioritize funding to alleviate the housing crisis and homelessness epidemic by supporting numerous HCD managed programs, historically HCD has focused on allocating resources to the program operations functions. Recent expansion of administrative functions will address the workload resulting from HCD’s increase in size and complexity and support ongoing initiatives to transition HCD to a mature mid-sized department. Over the past four fiscal years, HCD has increased rapidly in size and complexity. During this period, the Department added 37 new programs, representing a 51 percent increase in programs. This correlates to an increase of approximately $6 billion in funding, totaling a 547 percent increase to the budget. Over the same period, staffing levels increased by 517 positions, totaling an 89 percent increase. To address the rapid rate of growth, HCD has had to use a variety of strategies to support program implementation in the timeframe required to address the housing and homelessness crises, which have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Department is not just seeking services to update its current strategic plan, it is seeking a contractor with demonstrated experience in developing, designing, and redesigning existing programs and services that serve marginalized populations as defined in Exhibit A Scope of Work, Section 4.B. The bulk of the work will be spent providing experienced consultation and guidance to conduct organizational structure assessment, analysis, and recommendation to provide significant business systems and program service delivery changes designed to have outcome-based impacts to HCD end users/beneficiaries.

Bid Due Date


Bid Due Time

3:00 pm

Time Zone

(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Prebid Meeting

No / Not Mandatory

Prebid Instructions

Deadline to Submit Written Questions :12/9/2022 5:00 PM Post Responses to Written Questions: 12/16/2022 5:00 PM Request Access to Vendor RFP Uploads Portal: 1/16/2023 12:00 PM

License Requirement(s)


License Cassifications

Requires Bonding
Requires Insurance

Response Format

A. Capabilities and Competence (430 points total) Experience must include accomplishments within the last seven years immediately preceding submission of the Proposer’s response to the RFP. 1) Proposer must provide an overview of the organization and its experience in the items listed below and as it relates to the Exhibit A, Scope of Work in the proposed contract. Experience must be described for each Key Personnel including subcontractors. (Max 190 points) a) Describe your project management experience, and how you manage tasks, delegated assignments, milestones, and deliverables to ensure projects are completed on time, within budget, and of sufficient quality relative to the Scope of Work. (Max 40 points) b) Specific examples of your experience providing organizational effectiveness consulting: (Max 40 points) i. Conducting organizational structure assessment, analysis, and providing recommendations for a control environment to promote accountability and risk mitigation. (Max 8 points) ii. Developing, designing, and redesigning business systems and program service delivery changes, developing program planning and evaluation methodologies including outcome-based performance measures, integrating an approach to managing people, processes, and technology. (Max 8 points) iii. Performing community engagement, stakeholder analysis, stakeholder relations, and gap analyses for identifying program and service delivery improvements. (Max 8 points) iv. Developing and implementing comprehensive communications plans and strategies for marketing, outreach, and education, for both internal and external stakeholders. (Max 8 points) v. Increasing internal leadership capacity and resiliency to adapt to change organizational needs. (Max 8 points) c) Specific examples of your experience of strategic planning: (Max 40 points) i. Leading the strategic planning process, facilitating engagement with all levels of the organization. (Max 10 points) ii. Developing key performance indicators including outcome-based metrics, and methods for systematizing the collection and reporting on a recurring basis, to demonstrate changes in organizational culture and systems, over time. (Max 10 points) iii. Methods of conducting environmental scans and frameworks for guiding the strategic planning process. (Max 10 points) iv. Demonstrating final report format and content. (Max 10 points) d) Specific examples of your experience providing organizational change management guidance: (Max 30 points) i. Leading change management training, both onsite and in a virtual environment. (Max 10 points) ii. Communication tools and methods to introduce, reinforce and facilitate changes. (Max 10 points) iii. Working in a collaborative relationship with organizational teams. (Max 10 points) e) Specific examples of your experience supporting organizations when implementing annual action plans associated with a longer-term strategic plan: (Max 40 points) i. Performing Plus/Delta reflection sessions. (Max 10 points) ii. Assessing, identifying, and recommending annual priorities for implementation. (Max 10 points) iii. Assessing, identifying, and recommending organization effectiveness enhancements, control environment, and overall organizational maturity. (Max 10 points) iv. Facilitating implementation of operational plans within subordinate levels of a vertical leadership structure, such as the division and branch levels, aligning with the larger organizational strategic plan. (Max 10 points) 2) Proposer must provide an overview of the organization and its experience in the items listed below and as it relates to the Exhibit A, Scope of Work in the proposed contract. Experience must be described for each Key Personnel including subcontractors’ Key Personnel (Max 240 points) a) Identify in general, which California jurisdictions you have experience serving, and in particular which small and/or low-capacity jurisdictions, as well as tribal communities and tribal entities you have experience serving, providing specific examples of the type of activities engaged in that align with HCD’s policy goals (Max 120 points) i. Small and/or low-capacity jurisdictions (e.g., rural, non-entitlement and other lowcapacity). (Max 60 points) ii. Recognized and non-recognized California American Indian communities. (Max 60 points) b) HCD seeks to serve all populations listed below and is interested in engaging with a contractor who has experience serving all of these marginalized populations. Describe your experience serving these populations including the nature of the work performed. (Max 120 points) i. Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) ii. Latinx / Latine iii. Asian and Pacific Islanders iv. Immigrants v. People with criminal records, disabilities, mental health and substance use vulnerabilities, housing insecurity, and limited English proficiency or other language barriers vi. People who are LGBTQ+ or gender nonconforming vii. People who earn less than 50 percent of their area median income viii. Other individuals who may have barriers to access traditional mainstream support B. Methodology and Program Strategies (375 points total) 1) Describe your team’s proposed work plan that addresses the contract scope of work, alignment with HCD’s policy goals, how deliverables will be developed and submitted, your approach to working interdependently and collaboratively with the HCD Contract Manager and Organizational Development Division, and to working remote and onsite as needed when engaging stakeholders throughout California. (Max 75 points) 2) Describe your methodology for providing services that serve small and low-capacity jurisdictions, and tribal entities, as well as the marginalized populations previously identified. (Max 75 points) 3) Describe your strategies for using technology to manage administrative, program and projectbased tasks in an integrated manner when leading different divisions with different cultures and technological competencies in furthering the goals stated in HCD’s 2022 Statewide Housing Plan. (Max 75 points) 4) Describe your team’s proposed strategies and approaches for planning, performing and reporting environmental scans in general, while also, in particular, addressing the findings contained within the California Interagency Council on Homelessness Statewide Action Plans. (Max 75 points) 5) Describe your team’s proposed strategies and approaches to Organizational Effectiveness consultation related to identifying, recommending, and integrating organizational maturity models and organizational best practice principles. (Max 75 points) 6. PROPOSER REFERENCE REQUIREMENTS (Max, 45 Points Total, Max 15 Points Per Reference) A. The Proposer must provide three businesses or governmental agencies as references for which services similar to those detailed in Exhibit A, Scope of Work of the Proposed Contract have been provided within the last five years. Two of the three references must be from governmental agencies. B. The Proposer must provide Attachment 3, Proposer References, to each of the Proposer’s three references identified above. The Proposer shall collect the Reference Check Form from each of the three references and include it in the Proposer’s submission. C. References that are determined not to be similar in scope or complexity to the Scope of Work will be scored zero. A missing Reference Check Form or one without the reference’s signature will be scored zero. Proposers who submit more than three references will not receive additional points. D. HCD will contact each reference to verify information provided in their Reference Check Form via the e-mail address provided, followed up by phone call as needed. If a reference is non-responsive the score of the corresponding Reference Check Form will be reduced to zero. E. All three references will be added together for a maximum of 45 Points total. 7. COST PROPOSAL (Max 405 Points Total) A. The proposed work should be broken down and outlined in the Work Plan or Work Schedule for the purpose of this proposal. The total costs of all tasks and milestones cannot exceed $500,000.00. The proposal will be disqualified, and not be scored, if the cost is greater than $500,000.00. B. All Proposers who pass the Minimum Qualifications will have their Cost Proposal reviewed and evaluated.

Submission Instructions

SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS A. Proposals must provide straightforward and concise descriptions of the Proposer’s ability to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. The proposal must be complete and accurate. Omissions, inaccuracies or misstatements will be sufficient cause for rejection of a proposal. B. The Proposal must be submitted electronically. Proposers will be required to request access to the Vendor RFP Uploads Portal by the time identified in the Schedule of Events table on the second page of this RFP prior to submitting a Proposal. C. Access to the Vendor RFP Uploads Portal must be requested by sending an email to and identifying the name(s) and email(s) of staff requiring access to the Vendor RFP Uploads Portal. D. All Proposals must be submitted electronically to HCD by the date and time shown in the Schedule of Events table on the second page of this RFP. Proposals received after the final submission date and time will not be considered. E. It is the responsibility of the Proposer to use a clear naming convention for all documents. F. Submit one complete Proposal labeled, “Master Copy”. Proposal must include the cover letter, attachments, and all other required documentation. G. If Proposal contains confidential or proprietary information, submit one complete Proposal labeled, “Reproduction Copy”. No proprietary information should be included. The Proposal includes the cover letter, attachments, and all other required documentation. All pages containing proprietary information should be removed and a cover sheet must be included which provides the total number of pages and identification of all pages removed due to proprietary/confidential information. Please note, although the Department will exercise its right to withhold certain information under the Public Records Act, by submitting materials to the Department, Proposer is consenting to disclosure of any such materials (even if Proposer considers them confidential) as determined in the discretion of the Department. H. All documents contained in the Proposal package must be signed by an individual who is authorized to bind the Proposer. The signature must indicate the title or position that the individual holds in the Proposer. An unsigned Proposal may be rejected. I. If the Proposal is made under a fictitious name or business title, the actual legal name of Proposer must be provided. J. All proposals are required to include the documents identified as required on the Attachment 1: Required Attachment Checklist. Proposals not including the proper “required attachments” will be deemed non-responsive. A non-responsive proposal is one that does not meet the basic proposal requirements. Proposals deemed non-responsive may be rejected. K. A proposal may be rejected if it is conditional or incomplete, deemed non-responsive, or if it contains any alterations of form or other irregularities of any kind. HCD may reject any or all proposals and may waive any immaterial deviation in a proposal. HCD’s waiver of immaterial defect will in no way modify the RFP document or excuse the Proposer from full compliance with all requirements if awarded the agreement. L. A Proposer may modify a proposal, after its submission, by withdrawing its original proposal and resubmitting a new proposal prior to the proposal submission deadline date. Proposal modifications offered in any other manner, oral or written, will not be considered. M. A Proposer may withdraw its proposal by submitting a written withdrawal request to and signed by the Proposer or an authorized agent. A Proposer may thereafter submit a new proposal prior to the proposal submission deadline. N. HCD may modify this RFP prior to the date fixed for submission of Proposals by the issuance of an addendum in the same manner as the original RFP was released. HCD reserves the right to reject all proposals. O. Proposers are cautioned to not rely on the Department during the evaluation to discover and report to the Proposer any defects and errors in the submitted documents. Proposers, before submitting their documents, should carefully proof them for errors and adherence to the RFP requirements. Department of Housing and Community Development P. More than one (1) proposal from an individual, Proposer, partnership, corporation, or association under the same or different names will not be considered. Reasonable grounds for believing that any Proposer has submitted more than one (1) proposal for the work contemplated herein will cause the rejection of all proposals submitted by that Proposer. If there is reason for believing that collusion exists among the Proposers, none of the participants of such collusion will be considered in this or future procurements. Q. HCD does not accept alternate agreement language from a prospective contractor. A proposal with such language will be considered a counter proposal and will be rejected. The State’s General Terms and Conditions (GTC) are not negotiable. R. Proposers must carefully examine the requirements of this RFP. No additions or increases to the agreement amount will be made due to lack of careful examination and specifications and requirements. S. No Proposer-initiated contact will be allowed between Proposers and members of the Evaluation Panel, or HCD staff, after issuance of this RFP document, with the exception of the contact person named. T. No oral understanding or agreement will be binding on either party
Company, Agency or Buyer
State of California
Housing & Community Development
Business and Contract Services Branch, Contract Services Section 2020 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 130





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