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Construction Manager-At-Risk With A Guaranteed – Sheriff Ridgehaven Facility- Major Systems Renovation

Solicitation / Invitation #

RFP 11705

Project Description

The delivery method for this Project is “Construction Manager at Risk” (CMAR), and will consist of a preconstruction phase and, at County’s option, a construction phase. During the preconstruction phase, the CMAR will collaborate with the County and Architect/Engineer on existing conditions, design, constructability, cost, and schedule of the Project and develop a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the construction phase of the Project. Upon County acceptance of the GMP, the County may exercise its option for the construction phase. If the County and the CMAR do not agree upon a GMP, the County will not exercise its option for the construction phase of the Project to the CMAR.

Bid Due Date


Bid Due Time

3:00 pm

Time Zone

(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Prebid Meeting

No / Not Mandatory

Prebid Instructions

A Pre-Proposal Conference will be held by Video/Teleconference using the Microsoft Teams platform on June 28th, 2022 at 9:30 A.M. To participate, RSVP to by 2:00 p.m. June 27, 2022 (non-mandatory) Site visit on June 29, 2022 at 9:30 a.m. To participate, RSVP to by 2:00 p.m. June 28, 2022 Questions due June 30, 2022 prior to 5:00 p.m.

License Requirement(s)


License Cassifications

B General Building

Include RFP / Bid Attachment(s)

Requires Bonding
Requires Insurance

Response Format

2.3. All proposals shall be signed by an authorized officer or employee of the Offeror. The name, title, mailing address, email address, and phone number of the authorized officer or employee shall be included. Scanned images of pages containing original signatures are acceptable for submission of an electronic file. Electronic or digital signatures will not be accepted. 2.4. The proposal must be submitted in compliance with the following format, unless otherwise specified in this RFP: 2.4.1. Submit electronic proposals as files in .pdf format. Separate each exhibit into one or more files. Clearly name files as to the exhibit and order. Pages requiring signatures must be scanned from an original signature. Other pages may be scanned, or converted to .pdf from other file formats. Converted and searchable formats are preferred. 2.4.2. Proposals shall be formatted to print on 8-1/2” x 11” page size with no less than ½” margins and eleven (11) point font. 2.4.3. Proposals shall be formatted as black ink on white background/paper with no shading, or otherwise suitable for black and white reproduction. 2.4.4. Pages shall be consecutively numbered within the bottom or top margin of each page, including attachments. 2.4.5. Each proposal shall be typed and be concise but comprehensive. Proposals shall not include unnecessarily elaborate brochures, visual or other presentations, or artwork beyond what is sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal. 2.5. Your proposal must be organized in accordance with this RFP. Unless otherwise specified, the proposal shall conform to the following organization: 2.5.1. Cover Page 2.5.2. A Table of Content listing, by page number, the contents of the proposals. 2.5.3. Section 1 – Forms A completed and signed PC 600 Form shall be submitted as the cover of Offeror’s proposal. Completed and signed Representations and Certifications form. Completed and signed Nondisclosure Indemnification Agreement (if applicable). 2.5.4. Section 2 – Qualifications Information Form Essential Requirements Experience of Firm Experience of Personnel Project Plan 2.5.5. Section 3 – Price Proposal 2.5.6. Section 4 – Proposal Attachment Copy of California Type B – General Contractor’s License Evidence of Current Registration with Department of Industrial Relations Evidence of General Liability Insurance Coverage Financial Statements Notarized Surety Declaration Form Letter from Surety Insurer Certification Form Any other required form(s). 2.5.7. Confidential/Proprietary exhibit (if applicable).

Submission Instructions

2.1. It is the Offeror’s responsibility to submit a proposal based on the most current RFP, addenda thereto, responses to Questions, any diligence material made available by the County, and any other information posted on BuyNet. Offerors must consistently check BuyNet for information and are responsible to comply with anything posted on BuyNet relating to this RFP. The County has no obligation to contact Offerors directly with any such RFP related information. 2.2. Offerors shall submit one original proposal prior to the date and time specified and through the means specified in the cover letter to this RFP. 2.2.1. When requested, Offeror shall submit additional copies of the proposal in the manner requested. Copies should be clearly marked as copies and numbered. 2.2.2. For proposals submitted electronically through BuyNet, the time on the BuyNet server shall be considered the official time for purposes of determining timely submittal. 2.2.3. For proposals submitted at the Purchasing and Contracting front desk, the time stamp at the front desk shall be considered official time for purposes of determining timely submittal. 2.2.4. In the event of multiple submittals of an original proposal by an Offeror, the County will only consider the most recent submittal submitted by the due date and time. The County will not review or consider previous submittals, whether submitted at the front desk or through BuyNet. Offerors are strongly encouraged to submit only one original proposal and withdraw or replace any previous submittals in the event they choose to update their proposal. Proposals may be found non-conforming if the County is unable to determine which is the most recent, timely submittal.
Company, Agency or Buyer
County of San Diego
Department of Purchasing and Contracting
(858) 505-6363
5560 Overland Avenue
Suite 270


San Diego



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