
Government Agency Seeking Contractor


Local Business Preference Program

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Business Improvement District Consultant Services

Solicitation / Invitation #

RAMP ID: 204458

Project Description

The City of Los Angeles, Office of the City Clerk, is seeking proposals from qualified consultants or firms for consultant activities and services to establish the proposed Avalon Boulevard Business Improvement District.

Bid Due Date


Bid Due Time

3:00 pm

Time Zone

(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Prebid Meeting

Yes / Mandatory

Prebid Instructions

MANDATORY MEETING: Thursday, October 13, 2022 at 10:30 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (PST) via Google Meet. Proposer’s planning to attend the conference must notify the Contract Administrator by email no later than Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. PST, to the conference. Access information for the virtual conference and detailed instructions to “sign-in” on the day of the conference to register attendance will be provided via email no later than Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. PST. Proposers must provide a valid email address of the person who will attend on behalf of the Proposer. To register for the mandatory proposer pre-proposal meeting, please email Christopher Garcia at, Mr. Garcia will provide the link, via email, to the virtual mandatory proposer pre-proposal meeting by the close of business the afternoon the day before the mandatory proposer pre-proposal meeting, or Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. PST, and only to the valid email address previously submitted of the person who will attend on behalf of the Proposer. The BIP Outreach component must be completed online at by October 21, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Two documents are required as a result of your BIP Outreach: 1) the Schedule A (Exhibit I), and 2) the BIP Summary sheet (Exhibit H). Deadline for Questions prior to Mandatory Pre-Submittal Meeting: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 by 3:00 p.m. PST Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by email to All questions and answers will be made available to all proposers on the RAMP website at: No individual answers will be given.

License Requirement(s)


License Cassifications

Requires Bonding
Requires Insurance

Response Format

All Proposals must meet the requirements outlined in this RFP and shall be based only on the material contained in the RFP, amendments, addenda, and other material published by the City relating to the RFP. The Proposer must disregard any previous RFP draft material. It is requested that proposals be prepared economically and avoid the use of unnecessary promotional material. Proposals should include detailed responses to each Proposal Item. If selected, proposers must be willing and able to commit to the Proposal Items and all provisions in the Standard Provisions for City Contracts (Rev. 9/22[v.1]), posted as Exhibit A. The contents of the winning Proposal will be deemed as a binding commitment and included as an attachment to the Agreement. Proposers must respond to each of the following items in their written proposal. Each response in the proposal must be in the same order as each of the numbered items below. 1. Letter of Introduction: Each Proposal must include a letter of introduction and an executive summary of the Proposal package, signed by a person authorized to bind the company to all commitments made in the Proposal. The letter of introduction must include the name, title, address and telephone number of the person(s) authorized to represent the Proposer regarding all matters related to the Proposal and any Contract subsequently awarded to said Proposer. 2. Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary: The Executive Summary should include a brief overview of the Proposal’s principal elements and how the proposed approach meets the needs of the City. In addition, it should explain how the proposed solution will differentiate itself from other proposed solutions and the reasons the City should select the proposed solution, such as a list of unique features. 4. Proposer Information, Background and Qualifications: Each Proposal shall include the following detailed company information: a. Date entity was established and location of entity when established. b. Federal corporation ID number. c. Current location of headquarters. d. Total number of employees. e. Total number of employees in the City and Southern California. f. Specify number of years in business applicable to this RFP. g. Brief history and description of the Consultant’s business entity. h. Description of experience working with and/or establishing BIDs in Los Angeles or in California. 5. Key Personnel: All persons expected to work on the duties related to this RFP shall be identified, including, at a minimum, the full name, title, duties, and qualifications of each person listed. 6. Proposed Solution: This section of the proposal shall include a comprehensive description of the proposed solution, including information regarding any additional proposed functions or capabilities that the City should consider relevant to the City’s stated objectives and goals. 7. Implementation Timeline, Milestones and Organization: This section shall include the following information: a. Project schedule that includes all tasks, deliverables, milestones and resources required b. Project organization chart highlighting the key staff who will be assigned to accomplish the work. 8. Pricing: The Proposal shall include a clear and comprehensive listing of all costs associated with the proposed solution. All costs must be itemized. 9. Litigation Disclosure: The Proposal shall include a statement re-confirming eligibility to enter into a Contract with the City by clearly identifying any past or current litigation that the company was/is involved in which also involves or involved the City. If the company has not been involved in any past or current litigation with the City, the Proposal should include a statement to that fact. 10. Knowledge of City of Los Angeles: The Proposer shall specifically identify in writing any specific knowledge and experience of prior government work for the City of Los Angeles in the last five (5) years. 11. List of Open and Pending Contracts: Proposer shall list all open contracts by project name, location, and contracting entity. 12. References: The Proposer must submit a minimum of three (3) different references of clients for whom the Proposer has provided similar services as those listed in this RFP, within the past five (5) years. The list shall include the company name, address, contact person, telephone number of the contact person, and a description of services provided for each client listed as a reference.

Submission Instructions

Proposals are due no later than 3:00 PM, Friday, November 4, 2022. All proposals must be delivered to the City Clerk via an electronic PDF copy emailed to Christopher Garcia at and with the subject heading “Business Improvement District Consultant Services RFP”. The City Clerk will provide each proposer with a time confirmation at the time that the proposal is delivered to the City Clerk. The City Clerk reserves the right to extend the deadline for response to this RFP, waive any informality in procedure should such action be deemed in the best interest of the City, and/or reject all proposals. Any materials submitted will become part of the response and may be incorporated into any subsequent contract(s) between the City and the selected Proposer. Proposers shall complete and return all applicable documents, including forms, attachments, appendices, and exhibits to this RFP. The City may deem a proposer non-responsive if the proposer fails to provide all required documentation and copies. Submission of a proposal shall constitute acknowledgment and acceptance of all terms and conditions contained in the RFP. Proposals submitted after the Proposal Submission Deadline shall be considered late and will not be reviewed. Timely submission of proposals is the sole responsibility of the proposer. Proposers are encouraged to submit proposals well in advance of the proposal submission deadline.
Company, Agency or Buyer
City of Los Angeles, California – City Clerk
Clerk, Office of the City
(213) 978-1099
200 North Spring Street, Room 395 Los Angeles, CA 90012


Los Angeles



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