
Government Agency Seeking Contractor


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Bioassessment Surveys of the Santa Ana River Watershed

Solicitation / Invitation #

No. PWG123-LANDD-4713

Project Description

The San Bernardino County Flood Control District (District) is seeking Proposals from interested and qualified Proposers to provide bioassessment surveys within the Santa Ana River Watershed as part of the Stormwater Monitoring Coalition (SMC).

Bid Due Date


Bid Due Time

12:00 pm

Time Zone

(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Prebid Meeting

No / Not Mandatory

Prebid Instructions

Questions due: 12:00 pm (noon) on October 19, 2022

License Requirement(s)


License Cassifications

Requires Bonding
Requires Insurance

Response Format

Responses to this RFP must be in the form of a Proposal package, which must be submitted in the following format: 1. Presentation Submit all hard copies of the Proposal on 8 ½ x 11 paper. Each page, including attachments, must be clearly and consecutively numbered. 2. Cover Page Use Attachment A as the cover page. This form must be fully completed and signed by an authorized officer of the Proposer. 3. Table of Contents All pages of the Proposal, including the enclosures, must be clearly and consecutively numbered and correspond to the Table of Contents. 4. Statement of Certification Include the following on Attachment B: a. A statement that the offer made in the Proposal is firm and binding for nine (9) months from the Deadline for Proposals. b. A statement that all aspects of the Proposal, including cost, have been determined independently, without consultation with any other Proposer (competitor) for the purpose of restricting competition. c. A statement that all declarations in the Proposal and attachments are true and that this shall constitute a warranty, the falsity of which will entitle the District to pursue any remedy by law. d. A statement that the Proposer agrees that all aspects of the RFP and the Proposal submitted shall be binding if the Proposal is selected and a Contract awarded. e. A statement that the Proposer agrees to provide the District with any other information the District determines is necessary for an accurate determination of the Proposer’s ability to perform the Services as proposed. f. A statement that the Proposer, if selected will comply with all applicable rules, laws and regulations. g. A statement that the Proposer has reviewed the RFP and General Contract Terms in their entirety and have no exceptions to any requirements, terms or conditions, except as noted in Attachment H. 5. Statement of Experience and Qualifications Include the following in this section of the Proposal: a. Business name of the Proposer and type of legal entity such as corporation, partnership, etc. If Proposer is a business entity that must be registered with the California Secretary of State, Proposer shall provide the District the entity number assigned to it by the Secretary of State. b. Number of years the Proposer has been in business under the present business name, as well as related prior business names. c. Statement that the Proposer does not have any commitments or potential commitments that may impact the Proposer’s ability to perform the Contract, if awarded. 6. Licenses, Permits, and/or Certifications Provide copies of all licenses, permits and/or certifications in Attachment C as required under Section X. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Paragraph A, 21. [Personnel performing bioassessment monitoring per the SMC Workplan must possess all necessary biological sampling permits, certifications, etc. required to perform the work. 7. Reserved 8. Project Team Organization Chart Provide an organization chart illustrating the project team, and clearly show the organization of the team and the hierarchy of the members. It must include: a. Organizational framework for the proposed project team. b. Company name and staff name for each role identified in the chart. c. Resumes of key personnel, including qualifications, education and project experience 9. Proposal Description The Proposal should include the following: a. A brief synopsis of the Proposer’s understanding of the District’s needs and how the Proposer plans to meet them. b. A detailed statement of the proposed Services. c. An explanation of any assumptions or constraints. 10. Work Plan and Schedule Include the following: a. Summary of management/work plan for this Project. b. Project schedule 11. Certification Regarding Debarment or Suspension Complete Attachment D. 12. Cost Complete proposed pricing on Attachment E and enclose it in a separately sealed and labeled envelope to be submitted as part of the Proposal. 13. References Provide three (3) references from other entities, preferably public agencies, of same or similar size as the District, with whom you have established a contract on a project of this nature. Provide Contact Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, and dates Services were provided on Attachment F. 14. Former County Officials Complete Attachment G 15. Exceptions to RFP Complete Attachment H. 16. Public Records Act Exemptions Complete Attachment I – Public Records Act Exemptions if applicable. 17. Indemnification and Insurance Requirements Affidavit Submit evidence of ability to insure as stated in Section X, Paragraph B – Indemnification and Insurance Requirements. Proposer must complete and submit Attachment J – Indemnification and Insurance Requirements Affidavit, and ensure the form is complete, including the signature from Proposer’s insurance broker/agent. 18. Conflict of Interest See Attachment K – Conflict of Interest and Political Reform Act Obligations.

Submission Instructions

All proposers must register with the ePro system prior to the date and time to receive the proposal or they will be disqualified. Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted. System-related issues in ePro shall be directed to the Purchasing Department at (909) 387-2060. For procurement questions involving ePro, please contact the RFP Contact identified in Section I, Paragraph A – Purpose. The Proposer acknowledges that its electronic signature is legally binding. Submittals in ePro will be opened from the system’s encrypted lock box after the deadline and evaluated as stated in this RFP. Paper responses may be submitted in lieu of/must be submitted in addition to electronic submission, by mail or in person to the RFP Contact and will be time/date stamped when received. Proposals can be withdrawn at any time prior to the scheduled Deadline for Proposals. Hand carried Proposals may be delivered to the RFP Contact between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays observed by the District. Proposers are responsible for informing any commercial delivery service, if used, of all delivery requirements, and for ensuring that the address information appears on the outer wrapper or envelope used by such service. Proposer, choosing to submit paper responses, shall submit the following hard copies to District: one (1) original and three (3) copies, and one (1) copy to be provided as a PDF file (excluding financial information) in an electronic format (i.e. Flash drive), for a total of four (4) printed copies (excluding Attachment E, Fee Proposal Sheet(s). If the Proposal is submitted through ePro only, the Proposer shall not include Attachment E, “Fee Proposal Sheet(s)”, as part of Proposer’s ePro submittal, but instead shall mail or submit in person Attachment E, in a separate sealed envelope labeled “Fee Proposal Sheet” with the RFP Number and Title and the name of the Proposer clearly marked on the outside, to the address stated in Section 1, Paragraph B. The Proposal and Attachment E must be received (in separate envelopes) on or before the Deadline for Proposals. Failure to comply with this requirement shall disqualify the Proposer. Paper Proposals are required at the location identified in the RFP and can be withdrawn at any time prior to the scheduled deadline for submission of the Proposal. Proposals must be submitted in the format described below. Proposals are to be prepared in such a way as to provide a straightforward, concise description of capabilities to satisfy the requirements of this RFP. Proposals must be completed in all respects as required in this section. A Proposal may not be considered if it is conditional or incomplete.
Company, Agency or Buyer
San Bernardino County, California
Public Works – Land Development & Contracts
(909) 387-8165
825 East Third Street San Bernardino, CA, 92415


San Bernardino



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