If you have personal experience on projects that are relevant to the contracting requirements, you can still list them as part of your past performance.
Please note. In some cases, the government will require formal business entity past performance that are verifiable using references where the contracting officer will reach out to your references directly.
Here are some tips on how to do so:
- Identify relevant projects: Review the contracting requirements and identify which personal projects are relevant to the requirements.
- Highlight role and responsibilities: For each project, describe in detail your role and responsibilities to demonstrate your experience and expertise in the area.
- Provide specific examples: Provide at least three specific examples within the last 3-5 years of how you contributed to the success of the project. Include details on the project’s timeline, budget, quality, or other metrics.
- Use metrics to quantify results: If possible, use metrics to quantify the results of your work. For example, describe how you helped a project come in under budget or improved the efficiency of a particular process.
- Get references: If possible, ask colleagues or supervisors from the project to serve as references. They can provide additional details on your contributions and help validate your experience.
Sample Format for Listing Personal Experience:
- Agency/Client Name:
- Project Description:
- Duties Performed:
- Start Date – End Date:
Remember to be honest and transparent when listing your past performance. If you don’t have direct experience with the contracting requirements, focus on demonstrating related skills and expertise that can be applied to the project.