Advantage Plan (Monthly Subscription)

Advantage Plan (Monthly Subscription)

Business Directory

Golden Gate Hospice Care
Golden Gate Hospice Care
6420 Van NuysSuite 201 Van Nuys, US CA 91401
Company Website
Company Information
Legal Structure: corporation or s corp
Contact Person: Arash Shamsian
Years in Business: 10 months
Business Type: healthcare ppe and medical products
Certifications: State SBE, CA Department of Public Health ACHC LA County Vendor: 204996 CA Small Business Certification: 2028831 Local Small Business Enterprise: 092653
Business Description/Products/Services:
Golden Gate Hospice Care was founded to provide quality health care services to individuals in our community and work directly with doctors. Our staff is dedicated, motivated, and determined to help each patient and their families during difficult times. We take pride in the type of care we provide, which includes services in English, Spanish, Farsi, and Tagalog. Full Spanish-speaking staff with Spanish consent and paperwork for families who need that extra support. Our facility has 4 MDs (hospice and palliative care board-certified) on staff to make sure every aspect of patient care is taken care of 24/7. We are also proud to have a strong in-patient hospice care program for families who need extra help. Our collaboration with local businesses helps provide a comprehensive approach to hospice and palliative care by offering supportive services to your patients. Our services cover lab testing, covid testing, in-home care, medication support, transportation support, care planning, case management, medical equipment, PT/OT/Speech therapy, primary care telehealth, mortuary and funeral discounts /setup (Catholic/Christian and Jewish), funeral checklist resources, help with advance directives, reverse mortgage, estate planning, financial assistance programs (IHHS support), flowers, volunteering services, senior living /assistant living support, caregivers, utilization of VA benefits, social worker, bereavement services, spiritual services, psychological services, dentistry, and support from local medical clinics.

Primary NAICS Code:(Lookup)621610